i was cleaning my boots from when i went to the club a while ago [they had gotten a bit of saltwater and puddle on them] and there was a bit of the bottom/sole of the boot that looked puckered like i had stepped on a rock and it indented the rubber/plastic.. there looked to be a bit of a flap, so i thought i would push it down to try to make it lay flat against the rest of the shoe.obviously, since this story is worth retelling, it was not a flap of the sole, but instead a piece of glass (that camoflaged itself well.. it is clear, after all..) and i had pushed my finger down along it and sliced my finger open. owwwww...and i'm supposed to be finishing a hat by tuesday for my friends birthday. needless to say, he's going to be getting it a bit late. i've also been sick. i'm full of excuses.. heh.. ;)but OW, stupid finger-cutting glass... :(//
list-o-mania... but not yet.
i need to start making a list of things. like WIPs + FOs and things planned to do in the near-to-distant futures... otherwise i might forget.
i've been drooling over the lelah top [craftster thread].. i think i would use some of that cone of cotton [natural beigey looking] and modify it to have straps.. perhaps make a little shrug to go with it.. heh..
currently i'm working on tempting for the mother as a xmas/birthday present.. it's going well, i just attached the sleeves to the body and am working on the yoke.. just a handful of inches more and then finito. i'm pretty excited about the sleeves, as actually (with the exception of a vest, sleeveless, duH) it's the first wearable thing that need more assembly.. it looks like there might be a bit of gap-age at the part that needs to be seamed, but i can take care of that while finishing.
let's see:
in the near future, must complete:
+ simple scarf for laura
+ kittyville hat for eddie
+ tempting for the mother [also, matching knecklace?]
+ one skein wonder for koryn and kittyville hat [just needs ears!] ... other things i'm sure i'm forgetting..
other things i'm thinking about:
uhhhhh......... i have the random desire to knit legwarmers.
it's far past my bedtime, and i really can't think straight.
listmadness, postponed!
Other previously made items:
pattern: variation on
geobabe's knitted kitty
yarn: generic worsted weight acrylics from thrift store.
currently owned by: jeff (the leo), as a birthday present.
hm.. i thought i had another couple of images handy to post, but i suppose i'll have to look for them later.//
picture post!
i figured i might as well post some images of things i have knitted in the past.
i knit a lot of things for other people, but unfortunately i tend to give them away right as they come off the needles so i don't manage to get a picture of them.
the following are some images of knit things i did manage to get pictures of -- the majority of them are faux-promo images for a made-up website [for a webdesign projekt to make a site for a business, which was "knitwerks"]. [also note, these are from a few years ago when i first started knitting, so they're rather simple projekts.]
click the image/link to see other views of the item.

more viewspattern: from boogie knits
yarn: red heart bright & lofty in "beach"
ribbon: found object. [at work, probably came from a dress or top. hm.]
currently owned by: teh kAt-baby.
essential hat

more viewspattern: vaguely original pattern. will be available on my site. black + grey hat knit in the round, varigated green knit flat + seamed.
yarn: black + grey yarns -- caron simply soft. green -- unknown worsted acrylic, from thrift store.
currently owned by: black + grey, me. green, the little sister.

more viewspattern: from melanie falick's kids knitting
yarn: black + white yarns -- generic worsted acrylic. navy -- bernat softee chunky. yellow -- unknown sportweight(?) acrylic, from thrift store.
currently owned by: black + white, me. navy + yellow, teh kAt-baby.

more viewspattern: hat, chic knits H2O hat (when it was available free.) scarf, winged it.
yarn: red heart bright & lofty in "licorice"
currently owned by: tempus.

more viewspattern: winged it.
yarn: lion brand fun fur in "confetti" (perhaps?) the mother purchased it for me to knit scarf for the little sister.
currently owned by: the little sister.

more viewspattern: from stitch n' bitch
yarn: black + grey yarns -- caron simply soft. white -- generic worsted acrylic.
currently owned by: me.
those are the images from knitwerks.. i've got other pics i'll post later i think.
who's a yarntard?
i'm supposed to be saving my money, but ended up getting 4 skeins of yarn on clearance at walmart [the novelty sort, but nice ones.. but scarve-capable only.], one skein of lion brand magic stripes in jellybeanstripe [for my future forays into sock making], and both the knit-a-day AND crochet-a-day calendars... but they were half off! *impulsive twitch*
however, i can't just blame it on yarn addiction, as i also spent money on other things such as new piercings [nostril + navel] and new hair.

oh! but i also did get a handful of thriftstore sweaters to recycle and found a vintage 1953 knitting + crocheting book! hah..
and now it's the first day of school. so i must be off.. with small knitting projekts stashed in my bag. ;)
FO Archive - 2006
+ Red Scarf - for Laura, post-xmas.
+ Tempting; recycled burgundy red - for mum's birthday
+ Orange+Yellow Dropstitch Scarf - for Lil Ashley, xmas
+ Baby Set; baby blue and pale green hat and booties - for Angie's baby shower
+ Garden Scarf #1, from SnB the happy hooker; red, yellow, raspberry - for JLab boss's birthday
+ HDC Hat; fiesta variegated cotton - for self.
+ Madison Avenue Dropstitch Scarf - for Sheba, moving away gift.
+ Two Blind Mice; cat toys - for Sheba + Robert's adopted kitties, no post.
+ Garden Scarf #2; red, pink, rose - for Laura
+ Razor-Shell Lace Cami - for Koryn's (little sister) birthday.
+ One-Skein-Wonder; black - for Koryn's birthday (to go with cami)
+ Panta - for Laura
+ Garden Scarf #3; yellow, pink, raspberry - for self
+ Modified Ballet Tshirt Top, from Loop-D-Loop - for self, no post
+ Cat String Toy - for Orion, Rob's cat, no post.
+ Voodoo Wristwarmers - for mum, pre-xmas, no post, potentially lost by giftee.. :(
Xmas Gifts:
+ Coronet - for mum
+ Fetching - for mum
+ Tychus - for dad
+ 18 Seconds to Sunrise - for David (brother)
+ SWS Dropstitch Scarf - gift for friend, never given
+ Kittyville Hat (grey, pink; for Koryn, no post)