Pattern: modified from "Hat with Flower" (Designer: Annette Petavy), from Crochet: Pattern a Day Calendar (April.13.2006)
Yarn: Peaches + Creme, in Fiesta ombre.
Hook: US H
Modifications: No brim, no flower. Just base of HDC hat pattern.
Quick and easy. i wanted a nice cottony crochet hat for the summer so my bald noggin (or lazy-at-shaving ubershort hair'd head) won't get sunburnt.
Previously, I had attempted to make a hat with this yarn, but since i was very new at crochet and had never worked in the round, it turned out much too large (and was promptly given to aubli, who has dreads and i could pretend the hat was intended to be large.. even though we both know it was an accident.)
but this hat, this hat is a perfect fit. however, being really brightly coloured (uh.. should have definitely realized this before making it), i'm not sure how often i'll wear it, and have begun work on a black version. whoa, ohsogoth.
p.s. note my totally awesome shirt from magpie. rock on.
i saw somebody else with an uber-bright rainbow cap (possibly crocheted, even) in the computer lab the other day. definitely made me think of you. =)
also made me think of my own uber-bright rainbow cap, which is somewhere in storage, i think... grr, storage!
your new one looks great, though--embrace the uber-brightness!
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