Lacking updates a bit, since I've been uberbusy between working, sorting things out credits-wise at school (still unresolved), and dashing up to DC to visit the LDB.
However, looks like I will be freeing up a good spot of free time, since I finally decided that I can't be working 40hrs Mon-Fri at my internship and one or two shifts on the weekend at hot topic (can make for very long weeks.. ), so finally asked not to be scheduled at HT until end of summer, when i will be taking a full load of credits (surprise! not graduated.. on accounts of not being able to have the credits sorted out on time and needing a single ONE-credit course. bah!), only working 20hrs a week at the internship, and can possibly manage doing the weekends again. (though there has been discussion that i perhaps shouldn't work weekends in order to spend more time with a certain someone.... hm.)
Anyway, have had to put a hold to working on the Silk Ribbed Lace Corset because my little sister's birthday is coming up in July, and wanted to knit something for her. (Also, I have gotten the feeling that she perhaps feels left out that i have knitted tops for the mother + older sister, whereas she has gotten hats + scarves, but no sweaters/tops.) So, have started work on the Razor-Shell Lace Cami from Katie Knits/, working with Lion Microspun in Cherry Red, planning on the contrasting trim in Patons Brilliant in Black Dazzle. And, since she's in highschool and they have dress code rules against tank tops, I figure I'll knit a One-Skein-Wonder (also in the contrasting Black Dazzle) to make it a bit of a set. Though I will probably have to play around with the OSW + the BlackDazzle to make it work with the lighter weight yarn.
So.. yes, that's what I've been up to lately. The nice thing is that the little sister is currently in Argentina so I can sit + watch TV while I knit instead of having to do it all covertly. I'm probably about a third of the way done.
Unfortunately, I have a bad summer cold, so I'm actually too exhausted most of the time to do anything at all..
And speaking of which, time for more sleep.
However, looks like I will be freeing up a good spot of free time, since I finally decided that I can't be working 40hrs Mon-Fri at my internship and one or two shifts on the weekend at hot topic (can make for very long weeks.. ), so finally asked not to be scheduled at HT until end of summer, when i will be taking a full load of credits (surprise! not graduated.. on accounts of not being able to have the credits sorted out on time and needing a single ONE-credit course. bah!), only working 20hrs a week at the internship, and can possibly manage doing the weekends again. (though there has been discussion that i perhaps shouldn't work weekends in order to spend more time with a certain someone.... hm.)
Anyway, have had to put a hold to working on the Silk Ribbed Lace Corset because my little sister's birthday is coming up in July, and wanted to knit something for her. (Also, I have gotten the feeling that she perhaps feels left out that i have knitted tops for the mother + older sister, whereas she has gotten hats + scarves, but no sweaters/tops.) So, have started work on the Razor-Shell Lace Cami from Katie Knits/, working with Lion Microspun in Cherry Red, planning on the contrasting trim in Patons Brilliant in Black Dazzle. And, since she's in highschool and they have dress code rules against tank tops, I figure I'll knit a One-Skein-Wonder (also in the contrasting Black Dazzle) to make it a bit of a set. Though I will probably have to play around with the OSW + the BlackDazzle to make it work with the lighter weight yarn.
So.. yes, that's what I've been up to lately. The nice thing is that the little sister is currently in Argentina so I can sit + watch TV while I knit instead of having to do it all covertly. I'm probably about a third of the way done.
Unfortunately, I have a bad summer cold, so I'm actually too exhausted most of the time to do anything at all..
And speaking of which, time for more sleep.