Finally got around to editing some of the pics from xmas gifts..
I find that I'm using Ravelry more often than I'm posting here... [pssst, that means you should add me as a friend there!]
I'll post a huge bunch of pics here anyway then.. the following is pretty much anything I've been working on that I haven't posted about here yet. To limit the number of pics on this entry, I'll only post one pic per item, but definitely check out my flickr account for the rest of the images!
Attempting some sort of order.. let's see, last pic post was for the pithyhat, so:
Major Underbitesnaggletooth

Pattern: Felted Skull, from LionBrand
Yarn: Off-white wool, from roommate
Hook: 10 N/P
Modifications: I think my hook may have been slightly smaller than what was called for.
Comments: First real attempt at felting.. took the pictures before giving him a shave; he was very fuzzy! My skull is also the featured pic for the pattern on ravelry.
Simple Lace Headband

Pattern: Simple Lace Headband from Inner Child Crochet
Yarn: Red Heart Soft in Guacamole
Needles: US 6
Modifications: none
One Skein Wonder

Pattern: One Skein Wonder from Stephanie Japel/Glampyre Knits
Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted in Mulberry
Needles: US 5, 8
Modifications: none that I can recall
Herringbone Scarf

Pattern: Herringbone Scarf from Tangle
Yarn: super bulky Recycled Thrift Store Poncho, purple
Needles: US 35
Modifications: none. added fringe.
H2O Hat

Pattern: H2O Hat from Chic Knits
Yarn: super bulky Recycled Thrift Store Poncho, purple
Needles: US 19
Modifications: I think I may have gone up a needle size and eliminated a few rows.. the recipient has a large head circumference due to dreads.
Shelly Scarf

Pattern: Shelly Scarf from Joyful Abode
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft in Raspberry
Needles: K/6.5mm
Modifications: added a repeat width-wise (mum likes wider scarves)
18 Seconds to Sunrise Hat, redux

Pattern: 18 Seconds to Sunrise Hat from Daily Fiber Therapy
Yarn: N.Y. Yarns Gypsy in #4
Needles: US 9
Modifications: Added big pompom on top.
One Skein Scarf

Pattern: One Skein Scarf from Stitch n Bitch: The Happy Hooker
Yarn: unknown green variegated acrylic
Hooks: K/6.5mm + L/8mm
Modifications: I think I went up a hook size.
Essential Hat, redux

Pattern: Essential Hat, personal pattern
Yarn: unknown green variegated acrylic
Needles: US 10
just for fun:

Pattern: based loosely on the Queen of Hearts bikini from Stitch n Bitch
Yarn: Peaches & Creme cotton in Black and Yellow
Needles: US 5
Beekini (get it??) niiiiiiice..
Also amusing that it was posted just yesterday on my Flickr account (go check it out for more pics!), and it already has many views (compared to other images in my account). It's the boobs.
Alas.. I am sick. Supposedly it is just a really bad cold, but.. honestly, I can't remember any other cold wiping me out so bad. I called out of work on Friday and Saturday (Sunday I had off), went to the Doctor's Office today, and ended up calling out of work today as well. Started out with just a really bad sore throat, and has gotten worse.. takes all my enery just to breathe! So.. sadly, due to lack of energy, hadn't gotten as much knitting in as I would have hoped to (instead of just sitting on the couch... just sitting..)... but you know..
In any case.. I've finally cast-on for the Simple Knit Bodice Sweater by Stephanie Japel. I've had the yarn pre-ordered and sitting in my stash (KnitPicks Andean Silk in Hollyberry) for quite some time, but it has been often pushed aside in order to complete other knit/crochet projekts and schoolwork. So, I figured I would try to work on things I have in my stash.. and it's going along well.
So far this sweater seems to be working up quickly and easily. I'm almost to the point of separating for the armholes. I still have to go out and purchase the smaller size needles. I'm debating on whether I want to have a beaded carry-along string for the lace sections. I'm thinking perhaps not, since the lace will be decorative enough as is..? I don't want it to be overly decorative since I'll most likely want to wear it not for just special occasions.
Blagh! sick! back to sitting on the couch!
I HATE not having enough energy even to knit while I'm lying on the couch..
New Year
So.. it's the new year, and I've been very much slacking in posts here.
Have been sucked into the wonders of Ravelry..
Should hopefully be able to get back to posting more regularly, especially since all the xmas knitting is done. Still have to edit the images to post.
Until then..
no internets!
*le gasp..*
Yes, I have sadly been not having much internet. Well, first... I went for a 2-week trip to the UK to visit my sister. And now, upon returning home, I have discovered that our internet that we shared with our neighbors, has been terminated upon them moving away. So, until we set up our own internet or strike a deal with the new neighbors, I am sadly without internet except for the snatches of time I get at the library.
I have been knitting though! I'll have to take pictures of things I've completed.
I've also been working on my website...
um.. I'll write more later, when I get back online again. Just wanted to explain my extended absence..
How nifty is that?
Seriously loving ravelry (if you're already on there, come be friends with me).
It has been awesome poking around and seeing what everyone has been working on. Extra user-friendly.. I'm really liking it. Honestly, it's the sort of site that I'd be willing to pay for membership... and I don't say that lightly. (That being said, the site says it will always be free, which is good since I am broke. Perhaps I can scrounge up some pocket change to make a donation, though, because I do really like them.) Plus, they're using my pictures of garden scarves #01, #02, + #03, maryjane pithy hat, oh! baby, baby booties + stockinette stitch hat in the patterns library. ;)
I've been a little casting-on ADD at the moment. I still have a handful of strap inches to finish on Lelah, but in the meantime have also cast-on for a new Razor Cami and Danica. The Razor Cami was because I was invited to a knitting night with some co-workers. (I have co-workers.. who knit! And, it looks like they're going to be doing a weekly knitting night on Thursdays, woot.) Seeing as I only had a few inches left on the straps of Lelah, plus would need to keep popping it on + off to test fit, I decided that I should work on a different projekt, but the only other one I had currently on the needles was my mindless in-the-round stockinette of Accidentally-on-Purpose Vest. Sooooo, I cast on for a cherry red Razor Cami.
Theeeeeeeen, my roommate had picked up 2 beautiful skeins of Patons SWS to make vertical dropstitch scarves. I had three balls of SWS in my stash earmarked for a Danica (after seeing all the gorgeous SWS Danicas), and we joked around about doing a SWS-along, just the two of us. So then I had to! hah... I am really liking Danica -- definitely looks more complicated than it is; plus, with the SWS variegation, I don't have to weave in all those ends at the end of rows. Extra woot.
Still playing around more with Ravelry.. still loving it.
Might photograph my laundry-bag-full of yarn stash this weekend, so I can have it nicely sorted on Ravelry and be able to actually see what I have when planning projekts. Yay.
Oh, btw... What is UP with keeping on postponing the KnitPicks CotLin? It was supposed to be 5/11, then got moved to 6/15, then got moved to 6/18, then got moved to 6/26, and now says 7/ I want it NOOOOOOOOOW.
Lelah has been sitting almost done for about a month, awaiting straps. Have completed all but an inch.5 or so of the first, must do the second. I've just been very busy with school and work -- my summer school class is from 8:30am to 4pm on Tuesdays and 8:30am to 2:30pm on Thursdays... yes, long long class. Also was running into problems figuring out how I wanted to do the straps, so did, and undid, and redid, and undid, and redid the straps a few times before figuring out what I wanted. But, looking like it should be finished soon, I hope this weekend.
BUT, YAAAAAAAAAY... I'm all excited and stuff. I just got an invite to Ravelry. And I'm pretty stoked. Haven't had much of a chance to scout around the site yet, as I just got home, but I'm definitely looking forward to it! YAY!!! :)
Off to make some grub.
Oooh, delightful.
Haven't had the chance to post anything knit-related, but...
look! This looks like a fun little engraved gifts site: desk nameplates Yay :)
Back to painting... and perhaps will be able to update about knitting soon.