Thursday, September 28, 2006


This morning on the way to work, I saw a bumper sticker that said "Spindler on board".. heh.. I'd like to learn how to spin; however, it's not really practical until I finish at least this semester.. probably not for another year, actually. I'm already doing so much. Someday, though. After all, I haven't even gotten around to socks -- too small with fiddly bits, especially for taking the projekt around to work on during my rare free seconds.

Still no pictures to update of the Modified Ballet Top. I just realized I hadn't mentioned -- it was ready for the wedding I had made the top to wear to and it looked very good. I did take some pictures, but they turned out really bad -- I know that there were some images taken of it at the wedding, but I haven't gotten them yet, not sure if I will either.. Perhaps I will try again sometime later to take better images.

I finished Coronet -- it is an xmas present. I'm doing hats this year, mainly because I'm a little cramped for time and hats are quick projekts; if I find I have additional time, I will probably make other accompanying items.
Let's see... 2.8 xmasknits down, 2-3 to go. (or more, in case the 18 Seconds to Sunrise Hat I made for the brother does not fit his head.. which is quite a possibility -- he is a giant. If not, I think I will make him a monkeyhat.)

I am trying to decide whether or not I want to stripe Tychus or just have the two colours for the double stranding. hm...

Also, check out The Last Knit, an animated short.



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